
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Consignment Sale Tips

I love consignment shopping! And for a little one who is constantly growing and never wears something out it can be a wallet saver.  Here are a few tips I've learned over the years.  I hope they help.  Some of these apply for the big consignment state-to-state sales, but others go for the small shops.

1. Make A Researched List
Who doesn't love saving money? Purchasing something used saves you money every time, right? Wrong. I've gotten caught in this trap before.  I've gone consignment shopping and ended up buying the item close to new or at new price.  Make a list of items you are looking for and find the new prices they run at.  That $5 used toy might only be $6 brand new.  Some things might just be worth a wait. If I am going with someone I like to have pictures on my list so it is easy to explain to the other person.

2. Bring Large Totes or Bags
You've found a ton a baby clothes perfect for your little one, you start loading them on your arms, shoulder and even used your arm as a hanger.  This works well for a while but buy the time you've gotten up to the line I'm sure you've dropped a couple items without even knowing it.

3. If Shopping Big: Bring Something With Wheels
This tip applies to the large consignment sales such as KidsConsignment. This could be a stroller or even a cart.  I lucked out that a stroller was the first thing I bought during my big haul.  Usually sales like this have some carts available but they are in high demand.  Bring your own stroller or cart to load up.  No one want to be waiting in line hauling everything weighed down like a pack mule.

4. Do you really need that?
So you found this awesome jumper that sells new for $100 for only $10, buy it right?  When I find these amazing deals it is so difficult not to buy.  I've given into this so many times. Just because it is on sale doesn't mean you need it.  As they say: "A penny saved is a penny earned."

5. Check the Duplicates
Last consignment sale I saw two identical Jenny Jumpers.  One had about 40 lbs of toys attached, whereas the other was cleared off.  I went straight for the $8 clearned one thinking I could always add the toys I wanted. Fortunately my Mother-in-law saw the other's price at only $1. Best $1 I ever spent.

6. Its Okay Not To Buy
Just because you found an item you were looking for doesn't mean you have to buy it.  It might not be in the condition you want, or maybe not the price point you want.  Don't feel pressured to buy to just because you found it.  There will be another sale.  If you aren't able to make it out, tell others you are on the look out and they might be able to help out.

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